Friday, November 16, 2018

I am responding to the blog post Military Spendings and Investments by Lilas Al-Hakim. While the points made were accurate and well referenced, there was no strong argument as to whether we should increase or decrease the military spending. Instead of providing statistics and information regarding how the military is being funded, whether that money could be utilized differently, or why the military is so costly, Al-Hakim delves into great detail on one particular Gallup Poll concerning the American public opinion on the Military Budget. At one point in the third paragraph, there are two sentences that begin to express an opinion that the United States should indeed increase military spending due to a need in "missile defense" and "warfighting readiness," however, earlier in the post, Al-Hakim mentions that there is no outline for how the United States plans to fund its objectives. Overall, the blog post is vaguely neutral and provides excessive information that is hardly relevant to the core issue of the topic.

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